How To Replace Your Pool Equipment


How To Replace Your Pool Equipment

Many swimming pools have old inefficient equipment that needs to be replaced. If you are thinking about replacing the components, it is much easier to overhaul the entire equipment pad at once rather than piece by piece. With the newer energy efficient components, you can have a quick return on investment. The typical lifespan is usually 10 to 15 years with periodic repairs required within that time frame.

You must first shut off all the power to the control panel. You can now start cutting out the old pipes and removing the equipment. Remember you can always cut off extra pvc if needed so do not remove more than needed, also do not cut the plumbing flush with the concrete pad. When removing the old plumbing, be sure to note the lines coming through the pad, you do not want to mix up these, your system will not work and you would have to redo all of your work. If you are going to replace or relocate the control panel, now would be the time to do so.

Now you can start planning the layout of the new equipment. It is best to try a dry fitting with all of the pool equipment on the pad. When testing the layout, try design it with the fewest 90 degree angles as possible, this ensures the greatest amount of flow and efficiency. Be sure to layout the pool equipment in a way that will allow for the proper orientation of the plumbing lines.

Once you have figured out the layout you can start installing the new components. Start with the suction line of the pump. It is recommended that you put unions on all of the individual connections so they can be removed if needed. Many installers choose to put in a check valve before the pump to help with the priming of the pump. Next in line is the pressure line which connects to the intake of the filter. After the filter comes the additional pieces such as booster pumps, chlorinators or heaters. Make sure to allow time for the glue to dry before running with water.

The final step is to install the electrical for the pumps and the control panel. Check the conduit and the wires; many times the sheathing around the wires degrades due to the elements and age. Now you are ready to start up your system and check for any issues. Monitor your energy bill to see the savings from your hard work.

Make sure to research the latest swimming pool equipment [] before making any decisions on the components. Your pool will use less energy and operate better with the latest technology.


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